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Must-Know Nashville Lingo

Nashville slang

While visitors may think Nashvillians speak a completely different language altogether, there are a few slang words and phrases that may have you scratching your head.

Before getting down in this town, you should consider learning the local lingo. We here, have put together a handy little list for your reading enjoyment.

Nashville Words and Phrases You Should Know

Holler and Swaller

It sounds dirty, but this common bar phrase means CHEERS! Holler = scream or shout. Swaller = take a drink (swallow a gulp) So when the band yells Holler & Swaller, raise your drink, scream Yeeee Haww then take a gulp of your Tennessee cocktail!

Bless her heart

This means you are empathizing with someone or showing compassion. This can be said after an insult and it makes it ok. Example: She looks like a hooker. Bless her heart.


A delicious and boozy milkshake that usually contains Kalua, Creme de Coco and 151.

Example: A bushwacker sounds so good right now. Let's go to Broadway Brewhouse.

Fixin To

About to go do something or make something Example: I'm fixin to go to the store to get more grits.

Batman Building

Nicknamed after the comic book superhero because of the structure’s distinctive profile, the “Batman Building” — formally referred to as the AT&T building.

Example: I'm almost there - I can see the batman building.


A shortened form of "am not" or "is not" Example: I ain't lyin', Jenny.


Nashville is widely recognized as "Music City", but the name "Nashvegas" has grown in popularity over the past few years. With the bright lights, abundant events and country celebrity glitz and glamour it's no wonder people refer to it as "Nashvegas". The only thing missing is the showgirls and trendy night clubs. Example: If you don't like country music, you ain't from Nashvegas.

Honky Tonk

A bar that plays country music (or located on Broadway in Nashville - though not all of them play country music).

Example: We should go to the honky tonks tonight and dance.

Meat and Three

A restaurant with widespread popularity in the South. Usually consists of a walk-up counter that allows customers to pick a meat and three vegetables. The best meat and threes put gravy on everything.

Example: Let's go to the Meat and Three, it's turkey and dressing day.


Short for, the Nashville “Predators,” our professional hockey team.

Example: Are you a Preds fan?


A shortened version of  "lord all mighty". Often used instead of saying "oh my gosh" or "oh Jesus"Example: Oh lordamighty, the house is on fire and Jimmy is still in it!

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